
alpiscan Gmbh
Julius Durst Str. 6b, 39042 Brixen (BZ)
T +39 338 9079958
[email protected]
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Verantwortlich für Konzeption & Realisierung

Partum Design
Alois-Vittur-Strasse 4a
39040 Vahrn | Italien
+39 348 43 89 548
[email protected]


All published objects (texts, images, graphics, videos etc.) are subject to copyright. Without our explicit consent, it is not allowed to use or to duplicate them in no way, neither online nor printed.   

Image archive
TV Brixen Plose
WAM We are mud Philip Buron

Exclusion of liability  

Not withstanding careful working and thorough checking, we are unable to guarantee the correctness, completeness or timeliness of the provided content. We completely exclude liability claims towards us due to material or intangible damage caused by the use of this content or rather by the use of incorrect or incomplete content.  
Furthermore, we do not incur liability for the content, the availability or possible damage caused by websites connected with this web page by means of direct or indirect links. At the moment of linking the aforesaid websites were free of illegal content. However, we have no influence on their current or rather future appearance and modifications or their links.   

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council: Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: